Using Winter Chemicals for Your Pool
Posted: September 18, 2023As the summer season comes to a close, many homeowners assume that now is as good of a time as any to close down their pools for the season and that it’s time to start breaking out the winter chemicals and dumping them in.
That’s not necessarily the case, though. In fact, far too many pool owners either shut down their pools excessively early or fail to use the proper formulation of chemicals to set themselves up for success come springtime.
With that being said, here are some tips to help you make the right calls for your pool chemicals when you’re ready to initiate a complete shutdown until next year:
Earlier Isn’t Always Better

It makes sense that you’d think about closing down your pool and adding in its winter chemicals right as September begins, given that, for many, the month marks the end of summer. Kids are back in school, and the temperatures are winding down, but in truth, closing your pool before it’s cool enough could have some pretty frustrating consequences when you’re ready to open up again.
Temperatures should be consistently below 65 degrees before you close down for good, as the cool air will help discourage algae growth. Shutting down too early into September can cause algae to fester and thrive, leaving you with a lot to clean up come next spring or summer.
Though it may get too chilly for a dip, keep sanitizing and cleaning your pool until you’re certain temperatures will stay below the 65-degree threshold for the foreseeable future.
Balance Your Pool’s Chemistry
The goal of using chemicals in the first place is to get your pool’s water crystal clear and clean before you shut it down for winter, but you need to ensure you have the right combination of those chemicals before then.
With that said, you’ll want to test your pool’s chemical composition before you add anything, as doing so will help you establish a baseline and ensure you aren’t using too much or too little once you start adding the chemicals in.
Above all else, don’t forget to read the packaging for your chemicals, as they’ll have specific directions that you need to follow for their secure and effective use. Safety is non-negotiable when working with winter chemicals, so spend those few extra seconds to fully understand what you’re using.
Be Prepared for Closing Time
After your pool’s basic chemistry is in a good spot, you’ll want to shock your pool. Pool shock is a specific chemical that you can think of as a sort of deep cleanser. If you’re a seasoned pool owner, you’ve likely already used it throughout the pool season, but just make sure that you’re also using it before you close things down for winter.
Speaking of closing time, it is also an excellent opportunity to add in a winter algaecide. Waiting for the temperatures to drop will help keep algae at bay, but an algaecide provides even more insurance that you won’t find green water when you uncover your pool next year.

You can save yourself a few steps and use a winter chemical kit like The Chlorinated Winter Kit by Haviland Durachlor, which contains everything you’ll need for a successful pool shutdown, including quick shock and algaecide.
You can also use other chemicals, like natural enzymes and clarifiers, to further reduce your manual maintenance efforts. The simple-to-use AquaPill WinterPill is perfect, as it contains scale and stain inhibitors along with enzymes and clarifiers to keep your water healthy. Buying products like these eliminates any guesswork with regard to getting the right chemicals for the job.
Give Your Chemicals a Fighting Chance
While winter chemicals are powerful and can certainly give you a leg up on your spring pool cleaning, you’ll want to do what you can to help them along. Don’t skimp on hands-on maintenance, like cleaning your pool, to ensure there’s no leftover debris. Vacuum the bottom of the pool and scrub the sides; you’ll also want to remove ladders or stairs from the pool as well.
You should complete these maintenance tasks before you add chemicals to your pool, as you won’t get an accurate reading of the pool’s chemistry otherwise. The goal is to add the chemicals as the last effort before closing your pool down to give them the best chance at keeping your water as clean as possible.
Always Be Ready for Winter With Performance Pools
Pool performance is everything, and that’s why Performance Pools carries only the best and most effective winter chemicals to ensure a smooth shutdown of your pool this year. If you need help closing down your pool, we’re sure to have something to make your life easier. Visit our showroom or contact us today to learn more!